Friday, March 8, 2013


Note: This is an old piece by me that was originally written for the Shebytches blog a couple of years ago. Since it's all still relevant. I thought I put up here too.


The old (pre-climate change) maxim has it that if March comes in like a lion, it will go out as a lamb. Well, as March is International Women's Month, I say let March come in and come out like a lioness!

To that end, I say let's get after the Federal Government and give them a piece of our collective minds about their cynical "health initiative" for women in poor countries that somehow doesn't include access to contraception and abortion.

While we're at, let's get after the various levels of government to include money in their upcoming budgets for day care and sexual assault prevention programs. At the local level, make sure you support your neighbourhood women's bookstore, drop in centre and other grassroots feminist organizations.

And when March end, keep that lioness spirit going for the rest of the year!